A Room Of Our Own

A Rhizomatic Research on the Condividual Practice of Radical Care. // 2024

How do we want to live and work together? How can we rethink our artistic processes? What would a practice of con-dividual creation look like? And what happens when we, five artists from five different places, work together for 48 hours in a shared space – a room of our own?

We came to a place. The place was a house. The house was big and empty. We laid down the roots. Then we grew many arms. We grew big. Bigger. We grew more. Many. The house felt its growth. First it cracked. Then it burst. Branches bore out of its walls. The house was no longer a house.

But a place of deconstruction.

Having a room of our own is both research and experimentation. While we are testing the 'collective creation' intellectually, we bear witness to the fact that emotionally and theoretically we are already in praxis. We unite in perceptions, skills and visions and find out what it means to weave the individual experience of pain into a collective body. When everything lies vulnerably open on a shared table, when we spend hours leaning over a spread-out network of thoughts, the boundaries between Me and You suddenly become blurred.

wir vergraben uns in worten. worte graben sich aus unseren bäuchen. wir tasten nach verbündeten. wir rutschen in körperköpfe. wir grüßen donna haraway, sarah ahmed, bahar oghalai, maría do mar castro varela, eva von redecker, bell hooks, bernardo kastrup, anna lowenhaupt tsing, kelly hayes, mariame kaba. wir weben allianzen und sprudeln ins ungewisse.

/ a selfbuild-residency / somewhere next to cologne / four walls, five artists / a landscape / one child / number six / a lot of fingers / caressing each others backs / tongues licking crusted wounds / gently softens / our sisters blood runs warm / touching minds / spinning threads to one another / until there is no / other / tentacular we grow / a collective body that flushes us / we are drifting / in soft autonomy

We bevragen auteurschap, politieke pijn en collectieve genezing. We ontwikkelen concepten: interactief, installatief, in situ. We zoeken naar verwikkelingen.

Hoe kunnen we onze kunst, ons ambacht en onze verbeelding met elkaar verbinden? Hoe verweeft collectieve creatie zich op materialistisch niveau? Op welke wortels bouwen we? En welke moeten groeien?


This Is Us


On The Verge